Nikola Stan
April 11th, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
It's ok to be different...
Nikola Stan
April 11th, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
Yellow Tulips
Nikola Stan
April 12th, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
My grandmother loved these, in Serbia it's called "night&day"
Nikola Stan
April 18th, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
Red Tulip with droplets of water
Nikola Stan
August 19th, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia
Butterfly on a Sunflower...


6 comment(s)
kevinstadlbauer13: This is absolutely beautiful. My favorite by far. Chicks will dig this!
xandra: Yellow is my fav!
Bills: The ones you call Day & Night, look lie what we call a Pansy. The picture is beautiful
mama-vana: prelepo...
stan.nikola: hvala mama-vana :) dolazi opet prolece valjda ce biti i ove godine ovakvih za slikanje :)
Sestra Katarina: WOW! It reminds me what a beautiful planet we live on! xxx