Nikola Stan
8. August, 2010, Belgrade;
Infinite Depth of Field (Notice how both the clouds in the distance and the window glass close to the camera are focused)
Nikola Stan
September 4th, 2011, BYU, Provo, Utah
Smooth curves in stone of the Mariott Centre Underpass...(If on LCD screen look at the photo from different angles to see details in the highlights)
Nikola Stan
September 4th, 2011, BYU, Provo, Utah
Smooth curves in stone of the Mariott Centre Underpass... (If on LCD screen look at the photo from different angles to see details in the highlights)


2 comment(s)
Rob: Brilliant photo! (Rob in Utah USA)
Sestra Katarina: You must have taken this photo before the chem trails hehehe...beautiful sky ...